Frequently Asked Questions

What is the first step in applying for a Firearm Licence?

You need to complete your Proficiency Training first. Call EFT 😉 A client pays their money upfront for manuals. They take the manuals home and complete the OPEN Book exams in the manuals provided BEFORE you attend class. You have 90 days to complete the course from date of manuals being issued. You will get added to the WhatsApp Training group and all class dates will be posted on the group. Date will be confirmed once the training material has been purchased. Basic training is usually a full day 8am – 4.30pm.  Theory and practical exams are conducted on the same day. Training happens every Thursday. Business units standards are conducted over 2 days. Training takes place Thursday and Friday.


  • Legal – R 550
  • Basic Handgun – R1 100
  • Basic SLR – R1 100
  • Basic Shotgun – R1 100
  • Basic MOR – R1 100
  • Basic Combo 3 (Handgun, Shotgun, SLR) – R3 200
  • Basic Combo 4 (Handgun, Shotgun, SLR, MOR) – R3 800
  • Business Purposes – R1 300 per unit

What is the procedure once I have completed Proficiency Training?

You will be issued with a proficiency certificate from EFT You will have to fill in a SAPS 517 Application for Competency (Can be found under SAPS documents on the site) 2 x ID Copies 2 x Colour Photos Proof Residence Proof of Employment Copies of the Training Certificates 3 x Witnesses R70 Once competency has been handed in the approx wait 3 – 4 Months Once competency has been approved you can apply for the firearm license.

What are the requirements if I want to work with a firearm?

A person needs to complete: Legal, Basic and Handgun and Business Purposes Handgun Basic Handgun allows you to apply for your SAPS Competency Your Business Purposes Certificate NEEDS to be kept on file by the company.

What is Dedicated Sports Status and the benefits?

Dedicated Sports Status (DSS) allows one to own more firearms and an unlimited amount of ammunition. Meeting the dedicated criteria can be obtained in two ways. One can attend a minimum of 5 Range Sessions which you are required to shoot a min of 50 rounds in your own time and convenience. 4 Points are awarded for every range session. 4 points are awarded for each attendance. A minimum of 20 points needs to be maintained every year. Or You can be added to the EFT Club Membership Whatsapp group and dates are posted on there. The Club Shoots every 2nd Friday and once a month on a weekend. 5 points are awarded for every attendance.